Saturday, 4 October 2014

Anda Kaya dan Berjaya

[The Power of Communication] Kisah berlaku di Subang Airport.. I masuk outlet #Coach.. and the staff very confident promoting the products.. product was purchased from #usa.. i checked.. memamg #original.. So we communicate well.. i jatuh hati kat 1 of the wallet.. sambil tu survey2 gak nak beli bag tangan utk my #business #partner yang achieve target this month... I saje la buat2 lawak ckp takde diskaun ke.. dia ckp takde abg.. harga #minyak pun naik.. (dalam hati: yes... ada hot button nie).. dgn muka confidentnya.. i ckp.. i happy giler minyak naik.. sebab i ada product yang boleh save up to 30% and good for environmental... apa lagi, sales person tu terus teruja dgr... so alhamdulillah dia nak tgk demo by today... syukur.. #jtxairtracker Pas tu sebelum nak kuar outlet saje la "up sell" my sister Norazwin Norazizi nye product #weenscookies... eh nie byk ruang2 kosong nie boleh letak cookies nie.. saje sambil org cari handbag boleh gak ngap ngap... again.. dia ckp cookies apa abg.. mmm apa lagi.. terus dpt jual 1 box of 20 pcs #chocoalmondlondon Lesson learnt 1. Build relationship with others 2. Know the hot points to sell products 3. Share the knowledge 4. Senyum senyum senyum Syukur yaallah...

by Fairuz Norazizi

October 04, 2014 at 03:12PM

from Facebook

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